May 17th, 2014

2014 has got off to a frantic start with a growing sense of optimism in the marketplace fuelled by a resurgent London property market as well as a number of clients deciding now is the time to “get back in the game.” All of the above has been reflected in the level of enquiries being received as clients look to start putting the building blocks in place for their future growth plans both as a business and also as individuals.

The commercial finance marketplace has also seen some major changes with many banks still being viewed as parochial in their attitudes towards commercial lending and with many lenders going through significant cost cutting exercises, meaning that resource and expertise has been cut at the coalface often leading to delays in lending decisions and a lack of understanding of a deal.

Many professionals and clients are turning to us to try and get over these hurdles and find the path of least resistance to make sure clients can access funding with as little pain as possible by going directly to those who make the decisions. Again in the last quarter, we have acted for many clients looking to “refinance“ from existing lenders and capital raise to acquire more assets as well as explore more favourable terms that are in the market.

As always we feature good news stories of clients we have successfully assisted in procuring commercial funding, we also feature a interesting article around commercial property “is the time now“ and also look at some other angles for funding which have been placed via 2XL Commercial in the last few weeks including deals we have worked on with our key partners.

As always we are more than happy to chat through any new enquiries and the door is certainly open for business.

Best wishes and happy hunting!